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Desert Salt is natural and unpolluted

Not mined like Himalayan pink salt

Could sea salt be polluted?

From a single origin source

Exclusive Australian distributor

t: 1300 788 355


What is desert salt?

The salt is harvested from a salt pan in the remote pristine Kalahari Desert in Africa. Beneath the pan lies an ancient underground brine lake. Oryx Desert Salt is unrefined and unprocessed – a 100% pure, crystal white, naturally organic, unpolluted desert salt. Filled with essential minerals and trace elements from the earth, as balanced by nature over millions of years


Exclusive Australian distributor

t: 1300 788 355


The salt is from an ancient underground salt lake, 55 million tons which is renewed & sustained by 3 rivers that flow 30-100m below ground converging in the lake. The rivers flow and are filtered through Dwyka rock strata tested at 280-300million years old

Our grinders

Unlike many other grinders, ours are glass and have a ceramic head, this has 2 main advantages:

Up to 20x more refillable than plastic head grinders

No chance of plastic pieces in your food.


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